Mea Culpa

By Andrew R. Duckworth

My faults are worth speaking of,
Because my faults are plenty,
And through my fault,
Through my fault,
Through my most grievous fault
I have offended that One
Who maintains control,
But who has given the gift
Of most precious mercy.
I have burned with anger,
Hatred boiling the heart
In the stewpot of unjustified
Feelings blocking my Lord’s
Hand from pulling my collar
From the depths to the light.
May God forgive
When the world will not.
I have, on occasion, strayed
From the one True path
Leading to the gates of salvation
Through my fault,
Through my fault,
Through my most grievous fault.
This is my mea culpa,
My admission of imperfection
That weighs on my recollection,
My mea culpa that speaks
Only of me and no one else,
MY faults,
That hold no justification.
May God forgive
When the world will not.

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